Our work on Surface Treatment for Implantable Medical Devices is now published in Advanced Materials, and chosen as the Frontispiece!
Congratulations to Brian, Ethan, and Na!
Title: A Readily Scalable, Clinically Demonstrated, Antibiofouling Zwitterionic Surface Treatment for Implantable Medical Devices
Our research is featured in the university newsroom! “A new method to reduce deadly hospital infections”
We attended MRS Spring 2022 Meeting in Hawaii!
Our work on Silver Nanovines is now published in Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie
This manuscript is dedicated in loving memory of Mahmonir Ozra Lebastchi, the grandmother of Dr. Logan A. Stewart. Dedicated to Professor Mercouri Kanatzidis on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
Congratulations to Cheng-wei!
Title: Effective Liquid Metal Seeds for Silver Nanovines